hayya nabda' bi..

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..

.dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Sabtu, 26 April 2014


The General asked Omar Al Mukhtar: “Are you fighting for Al Snouism?” Al Snouism was a religious movement known throughout the Arab world. Omar Al Mukhtar answered: “I am fighting you because of my country and my religion”. Then the General asked another question: “You have authority for most of the Libyans and you can order the rebels to surrender and to finish the war?” Omar Al Mukhtar answered with a statement that is very famous even till this day: “We do not surrender. We win or we die.”

*excerpt from http://voices4libya.com/voices-for-libya/read-the-book/al-haj-mohamed-omar-al-mukhtar/

soalan saya. adakah kita benar tahu apa yang sedang kita perjuangkan, kenapa dan bagaimana?

2 ulasan:

  1. Nak habiskan maratib amal ketujuh kena mula dengan maratib yang pertama :)

    1. permulaan juga sebuah perjuangan :) in a bigger picture.


jom ta'liq!